Now, I want to come in with something that is very valid in the work that I do and I'm going to try and make this straight to the point.
There are going to be times that you cannot love & light your way out of things. Some of you are going to giggle at this and that's okay. The reason why I say that is because there is going to be times a tough work has to be done there are going to be times that you need to put on your sparkly boots, your big girl panties and saddle up the unicorn to go get the work done.
Of course, you can draw yourself a card, yes you can grab crystals and stick them in your bra, but have to get in and you have to do the work if you want the shift to happen. If you are sick and tired of sitting in your own space, if you are sick and tired of dealing with your own bullshit you have to turn around and make a conscious decision that this is it, I'm going to get in and do it and then do it.
Most of the time not half the time most of the time people turn around and say yes I'm sick and tired of, but they're not uncomfortable enough, yet. Then they go, "Oh, I'll just wait for it to get better". Spiritual work isn't just about waiting for it to get better spiritual work is about getting in and making a different decision because loving & lighting your way out of it isn't always gonna work.
If you are irritated as fuck right now it's for a reason. It's because you need to get in and you need to do the work and we have this amazing gateway of energy that all of us are going through at the moment and we have this huge full moon on the weekend the final, you know eclipse of three in a row, that is happening this weekend, and you are being called up to do the work. Let me tell you something, as I finish this off as I said I didn't want to waffle too long for you guys.
It's not nearly as scary or as messy as you think it's gonna be hard. Yes, awkward as fuck.
But hard, no. Okay, your mind is making it all too big, much bigger than it really is. So again, you cannot love & light your way out of things you need to go through it. Okay. I don't know if you remember as I finish this up. I don't know if you remember as a kid, there was that going on a Bear Hunt I think it is and you have to go around it or over it or under it or whatever.
No no no, this, you need to go through. So, if you are struggling because you know you need to go through it it's not working anymore, send me a pm we'll set up a chat.
If you know that you need it, you're sick and tired of buying into your own bullshit, let me know. I can give you a hand but you know I can't do the work for you and you have to say yes. And the biggest thing -you have to show up at the table.
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